1. Overview

Ha Giang is a Northern Vietnam province known for its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and ethnic diversity. In addition, many landmarks in Ha Giang are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It can be said that Ha Giang trekking is one of the interesting things to help tourists explore this land with their feet. Ha Giang wilderness exploration journeys are usually relatively easy, so you can also easily explore nature and culture and take great photos.

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2. Best route of Ha Giang Trekking  

2.1. The best time for Ha Giang trekking

Ha Giang every season has its own beauty and charm. However, the most ideal time to trek to Ha Giang is from September to March next year. Because this is not only the season of ripe rice, the season of flowers in full bloom, but also the time of spring festivals of the mountainous people. Surely, you will be extremely interested in the romantic scenery of nature and the bustle of Ha Giang culture.

In the summer months, there is a lot more rain, especially in July and August. This can make trekking less comfortable and there is more chance at landslides.

2.2. Famous trekking places in Ha Giang

2.2.1. Dong Van Karst Plateau  

Dong Van Karst Plateau is a rocky plateau spreading over four districts of Quan Ba, Yen Minh, Dong Van, and Meo Vac of Ha Giang province. According to the Advisory Council of the Global Geopark Network GGN of UNESCO, Dong Van Karst Plateau is one of the special limestone areas. During the trekking journey of the Rock Plateau, you can visit famous local places such as Bac Sum Doc, Quan Ba Heaven Gate, Co Tien Mountain, Trang Kim Bridge, Yen Minh Pine Forest, Nam Traditional Village, Tham Ma Slope, or Sung La Valley, etc.

  • Location: Lung Thau, Dong Van, Ha Giang, Vietnam
  • Duration: Around 3 days
  • Level: 6/10

2.2.2. Hoang Su Phi Rice Terraces

Hoang Su Phi Rice Terraces is a journey to help you discover a place recognized as a National Heritage in 2012. On the trek to Hoang Su Phi, you will probably pass through Nam HongNam Khoa villages, Giang Ha waterfall – a cascading one in Thong Nguyen region, Ban Luoc village, and stop in a local Red Dzao family for a home-cooked lunch, or try a special Red Dzao Herbal Bath. Surely, coming to Hoang Su Phi, you will feel this is a true haven of peace that you often leave with regret.

  • Location: San Sa Hog, Hoang Su Phi, Ha Giang, Vietnam
  • Duration: Around 2 to 3 days
  • Level: 5/10

2.2.3. Ma Pi Leng Pass 

Ma Pi Leng Pass in Ha Giang province with a length of about 20 km. This place is famous for its cliffs, hillsides, corn fields, vegetable valleys, and Hmong villages. Ma Pi Leng Pass trekking journey, you can go through Happiness Road Museum, White Cliffs, and Nho Que River. The road is sometimes extremely small, just enough for one person to go through; one side is a steep cliff, and the other side is a deep abyss. Ma Pi Leng Pass is considered one of the most adventure roads in Ha Giang, but it is completely worth it for those who love to explore.

  • Location: Pai Lung and Pa Vi, Meo Vac, Ha Giang, Vietnam
  • Duration: Around 2 to 3 days
  • Level: 8/10

2.2.4. Thon Tha Village

Thon Tha Village is a relatively gentle journey, mainly going through villages and seeing the cultural lifestyle of about 50 Tay ethnic groups. The traditional stilt houses, terraced rice fields, and a waterfall are famous here. In addition, fermented bamboo soup, bong – a species of carp, chicken salad, and pork roasted in bamboo cylinders are some of the sprouts in the place tourists will definitely enjoy and cannot forget. On the route trek to Thon Tha Village, you will probably pass through Lung Vai Village, Ha Thanh Village, and Khuoi My Village.

  • Location: Phuong Do, Ha Giang, Vietnam
  • Duration: Around 2 days
  • Level: 3/10

2.2.5. Tay Con Linh  

Tay Con Linh is the western mountain of Ha Giang province stretching from Hoang Su Phi to Vi Xuyen, with an altitude of 2428 m. This route is famous for the ancient San Tuyet tea hills, the terraced fields winding on the mountain slopes, and the beautiful Do Quyen flower seasons. During the Tay Con Linh trekking journey, you can go through Nam Hong, Nam Ty, Nam Dich, Nhung, Che, and Tung Sang villages.

  • Location: Hoang Su Phi, Vi Xuyen, Ha Giang, Vietnam
  • Duration: Around 3 days
  • Level: 7/10

2.2.6. Lung Cu Flag Tower

Lung Cu Flag Tower is located on the top of Lung Cu Mountain, also known as Dragon Mountain. Standing tall between heaven and earth in Ha Giang at an altitude of 1,470 m, this place is the stop for any travel lover who wants to check in. To conquer the Lung Cu flagpole, you have to climb 389 stairs and 140 spiral stairs to get there. On the trek to Lung Cu Flag Tower, you can pass Dong Van Karst Plateau, terraced fields, and flower fields of Tam Giac Mach.

  • Location: Lung Cu, Dong Van, Ha Giang, Vietnam
  • Duration: Around 2 or 3 days
  • Level: 6/10

2.3. Trekking essentials checklist

  • Physical: you must ensure good fitness by practicing climbing stairs, jogging, and squatting before the journey.
  • Equipment: fully equipped with a flashlight, trekking stick, gloves, hat, medicine, first-aid kit, sunscreen, etc.
  • Food: dry or light food, and energy bars
  • Water bottle: you can refill throughout your trek
  • Clothing: choose warm, long-sleeved, heat-retaining, and waterproof clothes
  • Shoes: with grip sole, waterproof and a comfortable fit
  • Rucksack: choose one good support belt and comfortable
  • Camera or smartphone: Ha Giang is known for its stunning landscapes, so be sure to pack to capture memories of your trek.
  • Cash: Some areas in Ha Giang may not have access to ATMs or credit card facilities, so be sure to carry enough cash for your trek and any purchases you may make along the way.

So, Trekking Ha Giang should be an option when you travel to this land, because the trekking journey will help you reach many places, enjoy the scenery more easily, especially conquer a place by your own strength. Note, you should choose a reliable tour or trekking Ha Giang with a local guide for a more safe trip.

In conclusion, there are many trekking routes to explore in Ha Giang, each with its own level of difficulty and unique scenery. Metta Voyage hopes this information will help you to explore more beautiful landscapes in this land. If you love to know more about trekking trips in Vietnam, you can refer to the tour here.

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